Sunday, March 14, 2010

Robert Left for PS Tonight

Robert was home this week for spring break. It seems like he just got home, and off he goes returning to school. He's having fun at school and his grades are, as far as he admits, still very good. After not seeing him for months, it's really great to have him back, even if only for a week, and even if he spends most of his waking hours with his friends. The biggest change when he is home is that the decibel level seems to increase exponentially. While he is not as loud as he was when he was younger, he still pumps out the vocal volume. My relatives nicknamed us the Loud Family.

Right now he is driving back with Chris, his roommate for next year. It reminds me of roadtrips of my youth, making an adventure out of a simple trip. I hope these trips, indeed his whole school experience, leave him with memories that will last a lifetime. What a great age he's at, what a great experience it is for him being a college student.

I already miss him. In two months he'll be home for the summer.

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