Sunday, March 14, 2010

Crista is Going to Penn State!!!

Crista made up her mind this week, she is going to Penn State! Yes, it makes me happy...for lots of reasons. Right now you're thinking I'm happy because PS is a state school and it will save us big bucks compared to the private schools she was considering. I won't deny it, that does factor into the equation, but it's far from the only reason, far from the most important reason. PS provides a great education, has a terrific campus, isn't too far from home, and has outrageous school spirit. And there's more...but I'll save that for another post.

While Pam and I are thrilled with Crista's decision, her big brother, a PS sophomore, is not at all happy. I'm not sure I understand that feeling, the campus is so big that he won't see her unless he wants to see her. But I'm sure he'll be on call to fix her laptop when it crashes.

Which makes me think about August when Pam and I will be empty nesters. That will be interesting, a mixture of quiet and loneliness that will make for a strange change. At least Crista will welcome our phone calls, unlike her brother, Robert, who reacts to them like they are a dose of poison. I'm not ready for this empty nester thing, maybe we need to have another child...kidding!

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