Sunday, January 17, 2010

Why not blog?

I enjoy writing and sharing my thoughts, and what better way to do that than by blogging? I guess I'll find out soon enough if anybody out there is listening. At the very least, this can be like a diary, except for the small matter that there is no lock or key to keep my words from others.

It was a good time at the roller hockey rink this morning, we beat the Inebriators 9-1 (you have to love the team names people come up with - their jerseys had a mug of beer for their team logo). But don't worry about us getting too cocky, our Thursday night team lost last week 8-0. My Sunday team, Draft B, is made up of a great bunch of guys. We like to win, but our primary objective is to have fun and enjoy the competition. Captain Jim O'Brien named us Draft B because we started out as the second (and last) draft team set up by the league back about ten years ago. Draft teams are thrown together with guys that don't already come as part of a team. None of us knew any of the others when we started, so it was a challenge to keep the team together for very long. But, so many years later, much of the original team is still intact.

My Thursday night team, OGD, standing for Original Genuine Draft, was another team that started out as a draft team. The Sunday team and the Thursday team share many of the same players. It helps playing with the same guys on a regular basis, as we know each other's tendencies and abilities, which is critical for good teamwork. All of which reminds me of how important teamwork is in so many areas of life...a subject I should address in another post!

Until next time...

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