Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Blacura - The Irony

I took a look at the mail today and saw that the EZ Pass transponder for Blacura had arrived. We ordered it for Robert since he would be driving between home and Penn State and wanted to make the commute just a bit easier. It was ordered a couple of days prior to his accident, and arrived less than a week after.

So if that is not enough irony for you, consider that the check to re-register Blacura cleared the same day as the accident.

Want more? Blacura was detailed the day prior to the accident.

And I won't forget that we paid over $1,000 in Blacura maintenance expense to have the car prepared for its journey to Penn State.

Timing is everything, or so I'm told...

Saturday, August 7, 2010

New Toy

I know I should not have started that subscription to a running magazine. It was only $10 for a one year, but I should have known it would end up costing me much more. I just could not resist that watch with a built-in GPS receiver that was advertised on the last page of the first issue I received.

But that watch is really cool! Of course it tells the time, as well as how long I ran. But, in addition, you guessed it, it tells you with great accuracy how far you ran. And then, when you download the runs into their website, it gives you your pace for each mile, your elevation changes, and it shows your exact path via Google maps. And it even shows the pace at each moment of your run! So now Pam is calling me a geek, but I can live with that given how cool this watch is.

The watch is made by Garmin, the car GPS people. I'm sure there are lots of other companies making similar watches, I know I saw an ad for one by Timex. But be assured, I still run in t-shirts and cheap shorts from Marshalls. I promise I won't buy those $15 socks that they say are so special...but good sneakers are another story!

Near Disaster - RIP Blacura

Thursday night Robert and three good friends went to see the Philadelphia Union professional soccer game. On the way home, near the Linc (that would be Lincoln Financial Field, where the Eagles play, for those outside of Philly), Robert stopped with traffic at a construction site. Unfortunately, the guy behind him, driving a big SUV, didn't stop, at least not until he ran into the back of blacura at about, Robert guesses, 30 to 40 miles per hour.

Blacura was so named because it is a black Acura - get it? Of course, the black 1999 Acura TL has a vanity license plate that reads BLACURA. The plate does get attention; Crista was telling us today about the time she was leaving WaWa (a local 7-11 type store) only to find a young boy taking pictures of the license plate.

Robert and his front seat passenger were not at all hurt. The airbags did deploy, probably helping to keep them safe. The rear passengers, Matt and Callie, were hit with a lot of shattered glass from the rear window and one of the rear side door windows. They were bleeding from the glass, but were remarkably healthy after the crash.

Pam and I raced down to the accident site to do what parents do, and then to give everybody a ride home. It was a relief to see the kids in good spirits after their near disaster.

In looking for a new used car for Robert and Crista, we decided we would not look at another Acura, especially a black Acura. This blacura was actually blacura number 2; the original blacura (a black Acura CL) was totalled by a drunk driver while parked in front of our house. The drunk driver drove away dragging the car's front bumper. When stopped by a local police officer, the driver denied hitting our car...go figure. So, after two blacura's being totalled, we decided not to tempt fate. Enough is enough.

The next car for Robert and Crista, if Pam has her way, will be a tank. A really, really big tank.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Just Wait 'till Next Season!!

Roller hockey playoffs started a few weeks ago. We finished the season 8-2 and in first place, so we got to play the 8th place team for the first game. That was an easy game, 8-0, mercy rule at the end of the second period.

The semi-final game was much tougher, we won 3-2 in a nail biter. It was the kind of game that you love to win, hate to lose. Fortunately for us, we were on the right side of the final score.

So the championship game was this morning. It was our third championship game in the last four seasons, so you would think I wouldn't be too excited, right? But no, every playoff game brings real anticipation. Sure, it's not the NHL, it's just the bronze league at the Northeast Racquetball Club, but still...it gets the blood flowing!

To make a long story short, we lost our championship game today to the Pylons, 6-5. Which was exactly how we started the season, with a 6-5 loss to the Pylons. Such symmetry. Damn symmetry.

So what to do about another loss in the championship game? Easy, blame the refs!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Robert Left for PS Tonight

Robert was home this week for spring break. It seems like he just got home, and off he goes returning to school. He's having fun at school and his grades are, as far as he admits, still very good. After not seeing him for months, it's really great to have him back, even if only for a week, and even if he spends most of his waking hours with his friends. The biggest change when he is home is that the decibel level seems to increase exponentially. While he is not as loud as he was when he was younger, he still pumps out the vocal volume. My relatives nicknamed us the Loud Family.

Right now he is driving back with Chris, his roommate for next year. It reminds me of roadtrips of my youth, making an adventure out of a simple trip. I hope these trips, indeed his whole school experience, leave him with memories that will last a lifetime. What a great age he's at, what a great experience it is for him being a college student.

I already miss him. In two months he'll be home for the summer.

Crista is Going to Penn State!!!

Crista made up her mind this week, she is going to Penn State! Yes, it makes me happy...for lots of reasons. Right now you're thinking I'm happy because PS is a state school and it will save us big bucks compared to the private schools she was considering. I won't deny it, that does factor into the equation, but it's far from the only reason, far from the most important reason. PS provides a great education, has a terrific campus, isn't too far from home, and has outrageous school spirit. And there's more...but I'll save that for another post.

While Pam and I are thrilled with Crista's decision, her big brother, a PS sophomore, is not at all happy. I'm not sure I understand that feeling, the campus is so big that he won't see her unless he wants to see her. But I'm sure he'll be on call to fix her laptop when it crashes.

Which makes me think about August when Pam and I will be empty nesters. That will be interesting, a mixture of quiet and loneliness that will make for a strange change. At least Crista will welcome our phone calls, unlike her brother, Robert, who reacts to them like they are a dose of poison. I'm not ready for this empty nester thing, maybe we need to have another child...kidding!

Friday, February 12, 2010

While I'm on Pet Peeves

This is another thing that just drives me crazy. I see this every morning on my drive to work.

Why do people double park when there are open parking spaces only a couple car lengths away? Sure, it would be nice to always park right in front of your destination, but can't you park 25 feet away and walk? And you think it's just fine to disrupt and slow down rush hour traffic to save yourself a few steps? Come on people, you are not the sun, and the earth does not revolve around you.

Now I feel better.