Friday, February 12, 2010

A Snow Pet Peeve

This drives me absolutely nuts.

Why do people not clear the snow off the top of their cars before driving off?

It's dangerous - don't they understand that snow flying off their cars can create a hazard for the people driving behind them? Really, it's not that complicated to understand. So, are they just flat out lazy? Or are they just simply rude? You don't need anything fancy to clear the snow, an old broom will work just fine. And if you can't find a broom, just use your hands. Seriously.


  1. Um, I used to do that all the time when I lived in VA. It pretty much killed me to clean off the car windows after shoveling my way out to it and then shoveling out the BACK of the car, which would have been packed into an icy mountain by the road. And then I had to go back inside and re-do my hair, by which time the windows were covered again. Cleaning off the top was not part of my to-do list. I did cause myself a couple instances of snow blindness by not cleaning off the hood before driving off, so I get your point.

    What I learned too late from John Culver was to clear the tiniest path possible, just enough to get the car door open, and start the car with the defroster on full blast. And then dig out as much as possible from behind the car. And then go inside and do my hair. And then swan back out to the car with a broom, which should allow me to daintily slide the snow off.

    This info was too late because shortly thereafter, Dennis arrived to take care of all my snow removal needs into perpetuity. But, something to think about when you're fuming about being endangered by people like me.

  2. I'd be cursing you if you didn't make me laugh so loud. I guess it's a good thing you are in Houston now...Dallas wasn't so lucky from what I saw on the news.
