Saturday, February 6, 2010

Changing my Email Address...more

I thought I was totally done with my email address change, but I was only close. Even after changing my email address, some sites continued to send to the old address, and two sites were sending to both the old address and the new address. I'm thinking that the sites that sent to both old and new addresses do so as procedure, playing it safe for the first email after the change, then deleting the old address. At least I can hope that's the case.

The thing that bothered me the most about the process is that so many sites make it difficult to change your email address. They do make it one-click simple to be deleted, typically by way of a link on one of their emails, but not so simple to change. Easy to delete, but difficult to change? That shouldn't be. Fact of life, people change email addresses for any number of reasons.

Fingers crossed that I'm done with this. It was worth it, gmail is good and I'm no longer tied to comcast...oops, forgot about my wife who doesn't want to change from her perfect comcast email address. Another project for another time.

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