Saturday, February 6, 2010


As I write this, we have 18 inches of snow down, and the possibility of several more inches to follow. So far, this is the sixth heaviest snow fall in recorded Philadelphia history. It's Saturday, I have a snowblower and gas, so this should be fun, right?

Sure, it's fun, but my staff and I manage a 24x7 emergency call center, so we have to worry about getting the staff in and keeping them there as long as they can stand it. The management team is great, as is the call center staff, so that helps to keep the stress levels in check. But it's still a worry. Thinking back, I haven't been able to truly enjoy a snow fall for 25 years, as I've always had to deal with staffing issues.

The staff is in, so far so good. Now I just have to decide when to go snowblow...that is, until the 5:00 shift change.


  1. Pictures please. Particularly of you in any kind of snow-blowing getup.

  2. Um, too late, no pictures. During what was to be the last couple minutes of snowblowing last night I ran over a rock, maybe 6-8 inches in diameter, and trashed my snowblower. Now they're calling for more snow during the week...was it good fortune that I was basically done when the snowblower was trashed, or was it bad fortune that it happened? Ah, the philosophical implications of it all.
